- Nahrungsmittelbestandteile
Pentanatriumtriphosphat (STPP) Dinatriumdihydrogendiphosphat Monosodium Phosphate MKP Monoammonium Phosphate DKP Disodium Phosphate Dicalcium Phosphate (Food Grade) Diammonium Phosphate Calciumdihydrogenphosphat Tricalcium Phosphate(Food Grade) Trisodium Phosphate Phosphorsäure Natriumdisulfit Potassium Pyrophosphate (TKPP)Vitamin
gedehydrateerde groenten
Kartoffelstärke Dehydrierte Karotten Flocken Uitgedroogd Tomato Poeder Uitgedroogd Ui Poeder Dehydriertes Zwiebelgranulat Dehydrierte Zwiebelflocke Dehydrierte Knoblauch-Pulver Dehydrierte Shiitake Dehydrierte Ingwerpulver Dehydriert lauch flocken Dehydrierte Pilzflocken Dehydrierte Petersilie Flocken Dehydrierte grüne Paprika Dehydrierte Cilantro Flocken Dehydrierte rote paprikaFarbmittel
Geschmack (Sinneseindruck)
Vitamin C Tablet N-Acetyl-D-Glukosamin Hordenine Hydrochlorid Octopamine Hydrochlorid Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane(MSM) Acetyl L-Carnitin HCl L-Carnitin L-Carnitine L-Tartrate Magnesium Orotat Tri Creatin Malate L-Carnitin Fumarat D-Glukosamin Hydrochlorid Chondroitinsulfat Calciumgluconat D-GlucuronolactonPlantenextracten
Zitrusfrucht Aurantium Extrakt - Synephrin Huperzine A Matcha Pulver weiß Weidenrindenextrakt - Salicin Mariendistel Extrakt - Silymarin Resveratrol 98% Hafer Glucan - Beta Glucan Tribulus Terrestris Extrakt - Saponine Grüner Tee-Extrakt Black Tea Extract Heidelbeere Extrakt - Anthocyane Curcumin Grüne Kaffeebohnen Extrakt Garcinia Cambogia-Extrakt Rosemary ExtraktEmulsion
Glyzerinmonostearat Destilliertes Glycerinmonostearat (DGM) Tween SPAN 80 Polyglycerol Esters of Fatty Acids (PGE) Natriumstearat Potassium Stearate Calciumstearat Kaffeeweißer Zuckerester Glycerol Triacetate Diacetylweinsäureglyceride Natriumstearoyl-2-lactylat Mono Propylene Glycol Calciumstearoyl-2-lactylat(CSL)cacao Series
Spirulina Powder Natriumhydrogencarbonat(Natron) 碳酸氢铵 Calciumsulfat (dihydrat) Modifizierte Stärke Kaliumchlorid (Food Grade) Kaliumformiat Natriumhydroxid (ätzendes Soda) Bernsteinsäure Amidosulfonsäure Essigsäure Glycerin Coffein wasserfrei Ethylendiamintetraessigsäure(EDTA ACID) EDTA Disodium (EDTA-2Na)Verbundsüßungsmittel
- Futtermittelzusatzstoffe
- Industrielle Chemikalien
- Pharmazeutische Wirkstoff

European warehouse
Products in stock
Products in stock

USA warehouse
Products in stock
Products in stock
Appearance | Powder of faint yellow, uniformity and relax, no agglomeration or mildew, no foreign matters with naked eye |
Protein Content(dry basis) >=% | 80 |
Fat Content( dry basis) =<% | 10 |
Moisture Content =< % | 8 |
Ash Content (dry basis)=<% | 6 |
Sugar =< % | 1.2 |
Total Plate Count =< cfu/g | 30000 |
Coliforms =< mpn/g | 90 |
Moulds =< cfu/g | 50 |
Salmonella =< cfu/25g | Absent/25g |
User : Frank Choi2014-12-01 19:45:00
Frank ChoiQ : Hello, we are looking for Rice Protein,do you have rice protein 70%?
FOODCHEM A : Yes, we have both rice protein 70% and rice protein 80%.
User : Mai Do Diem Phuong2014-11-30 21:06:41
Mai Do Diem PhuongQ : We would like to buy Rice Protein Feed grade for producing castle feed which is one of our new project. Would you please offer us the CNF price Hochiminh City port, Vietnam.
FOODCHEM A : Hello,glad to serve you,and thanks for asking for product details.Our sales manager has sent you the message, please kindly check it.
User : Vinicius Maschio2014-11-11 20:27:26
Vinicius MaschioQ : We are a company in Peru and we want start selling this product,can you please send me more information about your product?
FOODCHEM A : Thanks for consulting, our sales manager has send your product data sheets and other details about Rice Protein,please kindly check and send the feedback, have a nice day.
User : Christina Bartsch 2014-11-02 20:14:18
Christina Bartsch Q : We distribute and manufacture health food and functional foods in Australia.Currently we are looking for Rice Protein Powder?Can you provide COA,Specification Sheet and price list?If the product meets our standard,We would also request samples for test.
FOODCHEM A : Thanks for your inquiry,our sales manager has send you our product coa,spec sheets,price list as well as sample detials in the email,please kindly check.Awaiting to hear good news from you,have a nice day.
User : Bruno2014-09-16 21:40:37
BrunoQ : I represent a young Industry here in Brazil and so, I would like to know if there is a Branch here in my Coutry where I can get in touch for future quotation of this product briefly.
FOODCHEM A : Well,thanks for asking.We haven't set a branch in Brazil yet,but we have been exporting to Brazil for years and have gained good reputation.We have sent prodcut details to you,pls kindly check.Sincerely business relationship can be achieved between us
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